Learn The Ropes: Partnering with Crux Climbing Center and EISD to Empower Students with IDD

We are SO grateful for Crux Climbing Center and Eanes ISD Adult Transition Services for partnering with us to make our Learn the Ropes Community Day possible! This was a first of many student-centered community events to come. Our goal for Learn the Ropes is to ignite passion, purpose and joy for adults with IDD. During January’s event, Volunteers, Educators and adults with IDD came together to experience the very real social, recreational and vocational opportunities that are accessible with individualized supports. 

Student volunteers first learned and engaged in impact tasks which are part of our Community Program every week. Each student arrived with toolkits full of unique skills and talents along with a vibrancy and energy that lit up every room! The value that students and educators brought to the volunteer portion of the day was immeasurable!

Next, students experienced the excitement and empowerment of scaling 30ft walls with Crux Climbing Center’s adaptive supports and volunteers! At the beginning of the day, one student bravely shared that he had never climbed and was not going to partake in that wild adventure. Soon enough, that same student was reaching new heights during a 6th round of climbing! 

These students perfectly demonstrated how courage and a willingness to learn can result in life-long memories! Thank you Eanes ISD ATS and GO BATS!

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