Giving to John 13 Community
Your generous contributions help create meaningful opportunities and life-long memories in the local community for adults with Autism and IDD. We are so grateful for your commitment to nurture contagious joy and fulfilling lives for our community!
John 13 Community is incorporated as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Tax ID number EIN 87-4618248. Donations to John 13 Community are tax-deductible as allowable by law.
Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us.
Did you know?
You can view your donation history and download your receipts from our Donor Dashboard.
Many companies offer matching gift benefits to their employees. Check with your employer to see if they will double the value of your contribution.
Our donation form gives you the option to dedicate your donation. We’ll send out an e-card to the recipient to let them know you made a gift in their name!
John 13 Community 2023 Support
Donations for the year-end 2023 Support Goal will assist:
our community members engage in meaningful program activities within the local community
create monthly community events for other adults with developmental disabilities to join in the fun
develop our life-long residential program
sustain operating costs.